
Government and public sector

In the government and public sector, central and local governments are responsible for managing public affairs, formulating policies and providing services to citizens.

They should ensure that public resources are used efficiently and transparently, and that decisions taken reflect the public interest.

Regulatory authorities oversee and regulate various sectors to ensure compliance with laws and ethical standards, while international and regional organizations provide guidance and support to strengthen governance.

Civil society and the media act as "counter-power" by monitoring abuses, while businesses should promote ethical business practices.

Academic institutions and auditors provide their expertise to inform policy-makers and assess compliance with established standards, thereby helping to promote transparency and combat corruption.

Gouvernement et secteur public
  • Fight against corruption and embezzlement of public funds
  • Strengthening transparency and accountability
  • Assessment of public policies
  • Transparency and accountability
  • Institutional capacities and expertise
  • Citizen participation and engagement
  • International cooperation and exchange of good practices
  • Staff training
  • Efficient management of public projects
  • Training related to ISO 37001, AML 30000, ISO 27001 standards, as well as alert management systems 37002 and ISO/IEC 27002.
  • Training on ISO 37001 (Anti-bribery management systems), ISO 26000 (Corporate Social Responsibility), ISAE 3402 (Internal Control System), ISO 37000 (Governance of Organizations), and ISO 31000 (Risk Management) standards.
  • Project audit and monitoring of achievements.
  • Development of policies and procedures.
  • Risk management consulting and strengthening of Corporate Governance.
  • Assistance in the implementation of international standards and advice on Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR).
  • Assessment of development and cooperation programs.
  • Investigation, identification of cases of corruption, embezzlement and determination of responsibilities
  • Assessment and improvement of governance systems.
  • Assistance in the implementation of internal control systems.